You Win, You Learn, There is No Losing!

Dre has a lot of experience building businesses from the ground up. Dre was the founder of Cubic 2, a custom web design & development shop that provided custom solutions for WordPress clients. Then he started Sucuri Security, and turned it into a very successful multi-million dollar, 30+ employee company that services millions of unique monthly scans, monitors thousands of websites, and makes sure that 100′s of websites are cleared of malware daily.

Dre is going to be drawing from his wealth of experience in business management to talk about growing your business. Starting a business is hard, but it can be fun and extremely satisfying as well. This presentation will relate back to a lot of Dre’s own personal experiences in the field and he will be giving tips and pointers for those working hard to build their business today.


About dremeda

Dre is a 12 year Navy veteran with experience in various web and security disciplines. A Certified Information Systems Security Professional who speaks at various events in an effort to raise information security awareness. After his Navy days, Dre held various leadership positions in the tech start-up world including Applied Watch Technologies, and Secure-i Inc. Dre is active in the WordPress community and an advocate for security standards in the hosting world. Dre was the CEO and Co-Founder Sucuri Inc, and VP of Operations at WebDevStudios. Dre also served as Senior Director of Security Products at GoDaddy.